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I tried mastic gum. Here’s my honest review

Want to develop a more masculine, attractive face? Mastic gum will not only shape your jawine, but will make you healthier. Read my review on Greek mastic gum.

Ed Latimore
Ed Latimore
Writer, retired boxer, self-improvement enthusiast

Watch my video review of Greco Gum’s mastic gum

The journey to being a better man is both internal and external.

That’s why I’m a fan of making yourself likable and as physically attractive as possible. It helps you show up in the world with more confidence which leads people to treat you better. One way to show up better in the world is by defining your face. Whether you like it or not, how you look communicates things about you.

Having a defined jawline makes you more attractive to women but also makes you appear stronger. Working your head and neck muscles also has long-term benefits for your spine.

My favorite way to define my face is with mastic gum. In this review, I’ll walk you through what mastic gum is, where it comes from, and what to expect.

ed latimore using mastic gum
Working on my Jawline with Mastic Gum

What is mastic gum?

Mastic gum is a gum made from the resin of a particular type of mastic tree. While these trees are located throughout the Mediterranean region, Chios Mastic Gum refers to mastic gum made with trees from the Greek island of Chios, located in the northern Aegean Sea.

This resin, called Chios masthia, is found in the trunk and branches of the mastic tree (Pistacia lentiscus L. var latifolius Coss or Pistacia lentiscus var. Chia). These trees live for about 100 years, and produce 60 to 250 g per tree of Chios mastia.

The process of harvesting the resin is fairly straightforward. It’s extracted from the tree and left to dry until it becomes this natural gum-like material. The process is so simple that the gum has been harvested the same way for over 2,500 years.

This is why any supplier of Mastic Gum products will occasionally run out of the product. The raw materials take a little time to extract and produce. Regardless, the process of making mastic gum is pretty straightforward – they extract the resin from the tree, let it dry, and then you’ve got this natural gum-like material.

I came across mastic gum after the owner of Greco Gum suggested it. I’d expressed interest in passing that I was looking for ways to define and shape my jawline.

Mastic gum primarily comes in small, irregular chewable pieces that you can pop in and chew for hours. It’s not anything like what you traditionally think of as chewing gum. It’s a completely natural product free of synthetic ingredients, artificial flavors, and the like.

I use mastic gum in the chewable resin pieces but as a dietary supplement, you can find mastic gum in these forms:

  • Mastic oil
  • Mastic capsules
  • Mastic essential oil
  • Mastic gum powder

The health benefits of mastic gum

Mastic gum by greco gum
Mastic gum by Greco Gum

People have been chewing the gum of Pistacia lentiscus long before it got that scientific name or rigorous clinical evidence and clinical trials verified its beneficial effects. As early as the 5th century B.C., there is documentation of Hippocrates himself using and prescribing mastic gum to treat patients with digestive disorders and colds.

At this period of human history, oral hygiene was not nearly as developed as it is today. Mastic gum was used as a toothpaste because the natural resin has a pine-like aroma and flavor and is also antibacterial and antiviral.

The word mastic originates from the Greek word “mastichein,” meaning “to gnash the teeth.” If you want a high-level word to add to your vocabulary, “masticate” is another word for “chewing.”

The Greeks didn’t know about the antimicrobial activity of this aromatic resin they were chewing (at least not how we understand it now), but its use has persisted for almost three millennia because it works.

Today, mastic gum is taken as either a power, a capsule, or the old-fashioned way, as chewing gum. I don’t understand why anyone would opt to take just the powder or capsule because doing so causes you to miss out on the added benefits of chewing the tough gum but to each their own.

Mastic gum is also referred to as Pistacia lentiscus or Chios mastiha. It’s a natural source with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Currently, mastic gum is most popular for its jawline-building power but several studies have found it has benefits for digestive health.1 For example, mastic gum supplements help to kill the helicobacter pylori bacteria which causes stomach ulcers.

Get a few tins of Mastic Gum here

Mastic Gum defines your jawline

First, the bad news. Despite what you read on sites about the power of mewing to redefine your jawline and make you more attractive, there isn’t much you can do to change facial structure. Your facial type and your genetics set your facial structure.

While there is a lot of evidence that actions you take as a child will affect your facial structure, once you’re old enough to pay for someone’s product that promises to fix your jawline, there isn’t much you can do beyond surgery.

The good news is that there is a LOT you can do to maximize the appearance of your jawline.And mastic contributes significantly to what you can do.

The two things you have control over are your level of body fat and the tone of your jaw muscles. It’s fairly obvious how chewing mastic gum can help to maximize the latter. It’s tough to chew, and it gives you a decent workout. I know that I feel the muscles in my jaw work. This toning can improve your appearance.

As for reducing your body fat, consider this: chewing gum burns 11 calories an hour. That might not seem like much, but it’s already 19 percent more than you’d burn just sitting there doing nothing.

I’m not sure how much harder mastic gum is to chew, but I know it’s definitely tougher than a piece of bubblegum. It stands to reason chewing mastic gum uses more energy so while sitting at your computer for an hour, you can also get a workout in that will help you to lose fat.

The gum has also been shown to increase insulin sensitivity, which will help your body make greater use of body fat for energy. It’s best to think of mastic gum as a type of long-term makeup and supplement to exercise. (source)

If you’re tired of chewing sugary pieces of gum that cost almost no energy, rot your teeth, and make it harder for you to lose weight, pick up a pack of Greco Gum here.

Mastic gum keeps your teeth clean

The beauty of mastic gum is that it is one of the few natural remedies or dietary supplements that has produced objective scientific evidence of its effects.

Here, we present another benefit reason to chew mastic gum rather than take a mastic gum powder or products containing mastic gum extracts. Oral hygiene and the gum’s antibacterial hygiene.

Research indicates that mastic chewing gum possesses antibacterial properties against Helicobacter pylori. This Japanese study aimed to explore the potential antiplaque impact of mastic chewing gum.

Chewing mastic gum for a span of 4 hours resulted in a notable reduction in bacterial colonies, a contrast to the placebo gum. The mastic gum group also showed a lower plaque and gingival index than the placebo group.

Another study looked at the effect of Mastic Chewing Gum on mutans streptococci, a bacteria known to heighten the risk of tooth cavity formation. During the course of three weeks, participants engaged in the habit of chewing mastic gum thrice daily. At the study’s conclusion, researchers noted a reduction in Mutans streptococci levels among the participants.

It looks like the ancient Greeks had the right idea. Due to its high levels of antibacterial activity, Mastic chewing gum is a beneficial antiplaque agent in reducing bacterial growth in saliva and plaque formation on teeth.

Mastic gum relieves gastrointestinal disorders and distress

Administering even modest amounts of mastic gum, as low as 1 mg daily for a span of two weeks, can remarkably expedite the healing of peptic ulcers. Research has unveiled mastic’s effectiveness against Helicobacter pylori, a bacteria that has been indicated to form peptic ulcers.

This is also the bacteria responsible for plaque, so it’s clear that mastic gum is an effective natural supplement for batting bacteria. This is good, considering the rising rates of bacteria resistance to antibiotics. Mastic gum has also been effective in treating gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers because the Helicobacter pylori bacteria also cause those ulcers.

Mastic gum has also proven to be a potent weapon in dealing with acid reflux, heartburn, and indigestion (all symptoms of dyspepsia). It’s also been effective at alleviating the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (inflammatory bowel disease) and Crohn’s disease.

Of particular note, mastic gum has demonstrated strong anti-inflammatory properties. The mechanism of this alleviation may be interesting to people struggling with systemic inflammation, as a four-week course of mastic gum resulted in a significant decrease of the inflammatory blood markers IL-6 and C-reactive protein.

Mastic gum decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease and improves metabolic health

Consuming 5g of mastic gum daily has been shown to reduce serum total cholesterol levels, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) - known as bad cholesterol, and the total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein (HDL) ratio.

Furthermore, individuals who integrated mastic gum into their routine experienced lower blood glucose levels than those who took a placebo after only eight weeks. Maintaining lower blood sugar levels is a crucial factor in preventing diabetes and insulin resistance.

Mastic gum promotes anticancer activities

Numerous research studies have highlighted the potent anticancer properties found within mastic. An investigation conducted in 2009 delved into the efficacy of mastic essential oil against lung cancer cells, concluding that it not only exhibited the potential to combat these cells but also to hinder tumor growth.

More research showed that mastic gum is a potent upregulator of maspin (mammary serine protease inhibitor) in prostate cancer cells. You can learn more about protease inhibitors here, but they basically prevent certain viruses from making copies of themselves. In the context of this specific type of protease inhibitor, it seems to play a role in preventing cancer cells from making copies of themselves.

Mapsin is normally downregulated in breast and prostate cancers, allowing them to replicate more easily, but upregulating mapsin puts a dent in the growth of these cancers. (source)

Furthermore, the potential of mastic essential oil to act preventively and contribute to wellness strategies aimed at deterring androgen-insensitive prostate cancer cells is worth noting. In addition, a 2018 study provided compelling evidence indicating that mastic serves as a scavenger for free radicals and a valuable antioxidant.

Mastic gum can help with allergic asthma 

Eosinophils, a type of white blood cell, play a crucial role in the body’s response to allergic reactions. These specialized cells are involved in the immune system’s defense against parasites and are closely linked to various allergic conditions.

The body’s immune system triggers an allergic reaction in response to allergens like pollen, dust mites, or certain foods. Eosinophils are recruited to the affected tissues, releasing inflammatory substances that can contribute to the symptoms of allergies, such as itching, sneezing, and congestion.

Research has shown that mastic’s anti-inflammatory properties extend to allergic reactions involving eosinophils. A 2010 study examined the effects of mastic essential oil on eosinophil levels in individuals with asthma, a condition often driven by allergic responses. The study demonstrated that mastic oil helped reduce eosinophil counts, suggesting its potential in alleviating allergic inflammation.

How often do you use mastic gum?

I treat mastic gum like any other resistance workout. I don’t do it for more than 2-3x a week. You need to rest anyway as you can really feel it working your jawline. Like typical workouts, you’ll need to give it 3-4 weeks before you start to notice any real results.

For me, gym is life. It’s a way to a more stoic, centered life and ensuring that I can control my mind, body, and emotions. It also helps me to maintain a level of attractiveness.

What I liked about mastic gum

The following are a few pros that I found chewing mastic gum:

It works

If you want a more muscular face, mastic gum will help you achieve that. I’ve used it as a means of building a more masculine face and also as a way to become more physically attractive to women. Women are by and large attracted to male physiques that cue strength.2 A strong jawline is a marker of health and physical strength.

It’s discrete

Mastic gum is discrete and easy to forget about. Since you’re just chewing gum, you can do it anywhere and no one knows that you’re putting in reps.

No negative side-effects

I didn’t experience any negative side effects like gastrointestinal upset or heartburn which is possible with any supplement. Other than muscle soreness in the face, it’s like chewing hard gum.

What I don’t like about mastic gum

The following are a couple of cons I found chewing mastic gum:

The taste

Mastic gum is definitely all business. While you’d be hard-pressed to find anything that matches its ability to give you the defined look you want, it doesn’t taste great.

However, while the initial taste is a little off-putting, it quickly fades. It’s not like the sugary gum you’re used to. In fact, it lacks any sugar at all. I think this is a good thing because sugar isn’t good for your long-term oral health.

Quality varies

Unfortunately, the quality of mastic gum varies widely among sellers. You can get gum with impurities like dirt and debris that isn’t fit for consumption. There’s also a process you have to go through to make sure the gum is at the proper level of resistance. Otherwise, the gum is more sticky instead of hard.

The best mastic gum brand

There are several sellers of mastic gum but like I said before, the quality varies. My preferred brand is Greco Gum. The founders pride themselves on making superior quality gum and their marketing is humorous.

There are many copycats but Greco Gum is the real deal. Like I said before, mastic gum has to go through a process of purification and ensuring the resistance level is right. Greco Gum goes through this process and doesn’t rush harvest and production just to get something on the shelves.

Mastic Gum vs Jawzrsize

Before using mastic gum, I was using Jawzrsize. Jawzrcise is a rubber ball you put in your mouth and bite down on for reps. Compared to mastic gum it works, but it’s not something you can do in public without looking like you have a rubber ball in your mouth.

It’s funny, I actually started using that tool to build a stronger chin for boxing. If you’ve ever heard anything about boxing, I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “He’s got a good chin,” or a “weak chin.” This alludes to how easy it is to knock you out.

The Jawzrcise tool sits at the front of your mouth which works a different muscle group. This is called “incisor-based.” Because you chew mastic gum in the back of your mouth, you work different muscles. This creates “molar-based” training.

The difference between the two is that incisor-based exercises cause your head to round more at the top. Molar-based exercises give your jawline a more square look.

Mastic Gum vs other jawline-defining methods

Here are some alternatives people try to chewing mastic gum:


Mewing is the act of positioning your tongue at the roof of your mouth and pressing. It’s supposed to change your face shape and correct issues like sleep apnea and crooked teeth. It was invented by an orthodontist in the 70s.

Tongue positioning is at the heart of several facial workout regimens because the tongue is a strong muscle. However, mewing by itself has no scientific evidence to support that it actually works.

Losing weight

Losing weight is the first step on any journey to sculpt your body. It won’t give you a stronger jawline but it’ll help provide more contour or contrast to the different areas of your face. Just like abs, you can’t see a muscular face if it’s hiding under a layer of fat.

Weight-training your neck can work the muscles around your neck, but you’ll get a more targeted workout with mastic gum. Training your neck can be beneficial to your health in the long term.

Neck curl-ups

Neck curls are like sit ups except you lift your head instead of engaging your core. This is one of many exercises recommended to help people suffering from chronic jaw pain. Like weight-training your neck, over time it can help to build up the muscles in your jaw. However, without resistance, this process could take months or years to give your face the sharp look you’re going for.

Would I recommend mastic gum to define your jawline?

For what it does, I’d definitely recommend mastic gum. But if you’re looking for a sugary treat to chop on when you’re bored, this ain’t it. A single tin can last you months when used regularly and is fresh for years. Mastic gum is my go-to now for face-building. And Greco Gum is my go-to brand.

Chewing mastic gum can help define and tone the jawline over time. As you regularly work the jaw muscles by chewing, they strengthen and become more firm. This can lead to a more chiseled, angular jawline appearance. However, genetics and individual variation affect results.

For best effects, combine mastic gum chewing with proper tongue posture techniques like mewing. Setting reminders, following a plan, and using an app like helps build the routine. While mastic gum alone may not create drastic changes, chewing it regularly tones the jaw muscles and refines the area when combined with other practices.

Be patient, as enhancing the jawline requires consistency over an extended period. But the natural approach of chewing mastic gum offers a safe, accessible way to enhance the lower facial region.

If you’d like to give it a try, use my link for Greco Gum here. (I get a small % cut of each sale made through the link, which helps pay my bills)


  1. Soulaidopoulos, S., Tsiogka, A., Chrysohoou, C., Lazarou, E., Aznaouridis, K., Doundoulakis, I., Tyrovola, D., Tousoulis, D., Tsioufis, K., Vlachopoulos, C., & Lazaros, G. (2022). Overview of Chios Mastic Gum (Pistacia lentiscus) Effects on Human Health. Nutrients, 14(3), 590. 

  2. Sell Aaron, Lukazsweski Aaron W. and Townsley Michael 2017. Cues of upper body strength account for most of the variance in men's bodily attractivenessProc. R. Soc. B.2842017181920171819 

Ed Latimore
About the author

Ed Latimore

I’m a writer, competitive chess player, Army veteran, physicist, and former professional heavyweight boxer. My work focuses on self-development, realizing your potential, and sobriety—speaking from personal experience, having overcome both poverty and addiction.

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