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street smarts

How to hustle like a crackhead

You don’t have to smoke crack to get the crackhead hustle, work ethic, and mindset. Read on to learn how.

Ed Latimore
Ed Latimore
Writer, retired boxer, self-improvement enthusiast

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Most of you have never truly witnessed crackhead hustle.

You’ve seen the type of hustle that illegal immigrants have when they come to America to make a better life for themselves. I used to eat at a Chinese food restaurant that was owned, managed, and operated by a family of Chinese immigrants.

There were only 3 of them, but they only closed the restaurant on New Year’s Day. The other 364 days of the year were hustle days.

This is how you set your family up for a better life in the future. This is noteworthy, but it’s nothing compared to crackhead hustle.

You’ve seen the type of hustle that your favorite motivational guru says changed his life and will change yours too if you do the same. I changed my life by cutting out all the bullshit from life, going “monk mode”, and going from making $9.28/hr to $10k/month online in 4 years.

This is inspiring to anyone on a quest for a better life. This is inspiring, but it’s nothing compared to crackhead hustle.

Why Is Crackhead Hustle So Powerful?

To be a crackhead, you must smoke crack. This much is obvious, but one thing that many people fail to appreciate is what that statement *really *means.

I’ll repeat it in case you missed.

To be a crackhead, you must smoke crack.

I’m not telling you to go smoke crack to get crackhead hustle. We’ll break down how to get the benefits of being a crackhead without smoking crack, but we have to first address something that a lot of people forget.

Crackheads give up dignity, sanity, and in many cases, freedom. In exchange for the high that comes from smoking crack. They want to experience this high so much that they will stay up for days on end–working odd jobs, doing odd things, and chasing dealers around the city–so they can smoke crack.

The best crack high barely lasts 20 minutes and the come down off the high is like being dragged through the depths of hell. This is when crackheads realize that they have made a deal with the devil.

They get incredible stamina, toughness, and bouts of euphoria in exchange for exile to the fringes of society, loss of their dignity, and now they’re slaves to crack.

Smoking crack for the crackhead hustle
Gearing up for the crackhead work ethic

If you doubt this, remember:

Your typical crack habit can cost over $200 per day. That works out to $6,000/mo. Your typical crackhead is not holding down a six-figure job. They don’t let a lack of sufficient funds keep them from getting high.

Crackheads just get up, figure out how to get money, and continue to pay the cost to be the crackhead boss. This means that a crackhead **always **pays the toll.

Nothing is free. That includes crackhead work ethic.

Check out the rest of my articles on living in the hood

What Can We Learn From The Crackhead Work Ethic?

Everyone talks a big game about working hard, but that’s all a lot of it is: talk.

It’s just talk because it’s easier to speak about the moves you’re going to make than it is to actually make those moves. In the social media era, you can feel accomplished by discussing your plans on Facebook and getting a flood of likes and supportive comments.

You got all the accolades and attention without ever executing or accomplishing anything. You didn’t even follow the rules.

[I broke down the 10 Crack Commandments in this post.]

The real hustlers and grinders can tell who is serious and who is a fraud, but the general public–who never do much beyond the bare minimum–have no idea how to tell the real from the fake.

This is similar to what people who haven’t spent much time in the street experience when encountering various unsavory characters in an urban environment.

Your average person can’t tell the difference between a crackhead, a homeless person, a drunk, or a guy just having a bad day. To the uninitiated, all these characters look the same so they must be the same. However, looks are often deceiving.

Cubic zirconias look like diamonds to people who don’t know any better. Noise looks like real hustle to anyone who isn’t actually hustling. Most people aren’t actually hustling, so they don’t know a real hustler from a lot of the garbage floating around out there.

The Price Of The Crackhead Work Ethic

If you’ve been in the street, you know the difference between a crackhead and a bum. If you’re a crackhead, you definitely know your own kind from everyone else. As the street saying goes, “Real recognize real.”

The question you must answer is the same question that all crackheads answer:

Am I committed to being a crackhead or am I just a boy playing in a man’s game? Am I really about this life, or am I just trying it out to look cool?

I have a friend who tried crack once. He said he didn’t like it, and subsequently never smoked it again. I used to be acquainted with a guy who smoked crack on 3 different occasions just to see what the hype was. He was unimpressed, so he left it alone.

These people were not interested or not willing to pay the cost to be a crackhead.

Some people have been smoking weed for years but won’t step up to crack. Yes, crack is a “harder” drug, but if you’re a pothead, you’re already doing drugs. You either step it up or stop doing drugs. Anything else is just wasting time.

But look at the attitude of your typical stoner. Lazy, lethargic, and generally unmotivated. You’ve never heard of “pothead hustle” or “stoner drive”. You just hear about them smelling bad, dressing like shit, and having the munchies.

If someone becomes a crackhead, they’ve committed to smoking crack. They aren’t half-assing it with weed. They aren’t pretending to be homeless. They’re a crackhead, through and through, because they decided to smoke crack and they stuck to it.

Your problem is that you want it both ways. You want all the accolades of hard work without actually having to work hard. Hard work is unpleasant. This is why most people don’t do it. This is also why most people don’t get what they want out of life.

Whatever you want, you gotta be willing to pay the price. Crackheads want to get high. Crackheads are terrible at holding a job, so they don’t have money to get high every day, but they damn sure figure it out.

You won’t stay a crackhead very long if you don’t embrace the crackhead hustle. You won’t be able to afford it!

Do You Want It As Bad As A Crackhead Wants Crack?

When I talk about crackhead hustle and crackhead motivation, I always have a few people chime in that crackheads have that type of dedication because they’re addicted to crack.

The crux of their argument is that addiction doesn’t count as work ethic because the addict has no choice. A crackhead must either satisfy their fix or die (or at least the withdrawal makes them wish they were dead) trying.

This is true. It’s no stretch to say that their addiction is so fierce that they are willing to give up everything to satisfy it. However, this is the point.

Whether they arrived at this level of desire by externally triggered motivation or internally inspired addiction, the point is that they’re willing to do whatever it takes to get crack–and crack is bad for them!

Imagine what a crackhead could accomplish if it took one-tenth of that drive and applied it to something positive or constructive. This reminds me of MyPillow CEO Michael J. Lindell.

Mike Lindell is a crackhead hero
The king of the crackhead hustle

Here we have a case of a crackhead who took the drive that he had as an addict and applied it to building a million-dollar business.

The Lindell story is noteworthy for another reason as well. Lindell desperately wanted to be a successful businessman. The MyPillow was how he eventually achieved that success, but he had attempted many other business ventures prior to that. Lindell tried:

  • A carpet cleaning business
  • A lunch wagon business
  • A card-counting hustle
  • Even raising pigs

Lindell had the crackhead hustle, even before he became a crackhead!

He wanted success so badly that even when he started smoking crack, he was still running the MyPillow brand. It wasn’t until he lost his home and marriage due to his addiction that he got clean.

The irony of Lindell getting off drugs is that it demonstrates another hallmark of the crackhead hustle mentality: he wanted to regain what he lost and keep what he gained so badly that he was willing to leave the drugs behind.

Do not underestimate the dedication involved in this action. The critics of my message about “not getting out-hustled by a crackhead” do have a point: the addiction is the source of the crackhead’s motivation, and that addiction is powerful. It’s not infallible, but it is formidable.

Lindell overcame this formidable power because he wanted something more than crack as bad as he wanted crack. It’s ironic that one of the best examples of the crackhead hustle mindset is demonstrated by people who successfully stop using crack. They want sobriety more than the drug and thus, they’re able to leave the drug behind.

What Is Your “Crack”?

The power of crackrocks
What is important enough that you get addicted to it?

There’s a popular motivational clip on the internet by Reverend Eric Thomas telling a story about a boy who learns the secret of success from an old master.

The boy has his head held underwater and fights for air. Finally, when he breaks free of his master’s grip, the master tells the boy, “You have to want success as badly as you want to breathe.”

You have to want something so badly that it becomes your all-consuming focus. The boy’s “crack” in Reverend Thomas’ story was air. Fortunately, our nervous system doesn’t allow us to just by idly when something threatens our well-being. As a result, the boy fought for air.

What will make you fight for something you want out of life that is not vital for your survival?

Some people’s crack is money. Other’s is respect. A few just want to master something. Maybe it’s all of these things. Maybe it’s none of them. It doesn’t matter what it is. All that matters is that you don’t bullshit yourself about what it is that motivates you.

Author James Altucher has a great quote concerning motivation in this context. When explaining to yourself and others why did something, Altucher says “That’s a good reason and the real reason.”

For example, let’s say that you decide to start working out. A good reason for doing that is to be in optimal health. The real reason is that you want to look good naked. When you harness the real reason for doing something, you harness your crackhead work ethic.

Don’t Smoke Crack, But Be Like The Crackhead

I’m not telling you to smoke crack. I’m just telling you that it’s a decision that crackheads make. This decision costs them something. But what they get from it, they think is worthwhile.

It may ruin their life, but crack is that important to a crackhead. This is the exchange that this dedication requires.

What’s so important that you’re willing to do the same? You’ll have unlocked the secret to your crackhead hustle when you find it.

Check out the rest of my articles on living in the hood

Ed Latimore
About the author

Ed Latimore

I’m a writer, competitive chess player, Army veteran, physicist, and former professional heavyweight boxer. My work focuses on self-development, realizing your potential, and sobriety—speaking from personal experience, having overcome both poverty and addiction.

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